Friday, 7 October 2011

Turbine spells trouble

I TOTALLY sympathise with the Harwell villagers’ protests against a wind farm on their doorsteps and they are certainly not ‘nimbys’.
These large concrete structures are not so very green or renewable either. They use huge amounts of concrete, which is not a green material and need a lot of maintenance and repairs.
Remember the damaged blades at Conisholme wind farm that some UFO enthusiasts thought was caused by an alien encounter?
It was probably caused by ice build-up on a static blade during a freezing winter anti-cyclone.
The subsidies for these endless repairs come from hikes in green taxes in all our energy bills.
These surcharges added to fuel bills hit pensioners and the poor hardest.
Never mind if impoverished people freeze to death if the winter is harsh again because the wealthy chattering classes who are worried about global warming will be smugly satisfied to see our beautiful landscape littered with these gargantuan follies.
The only people benefiting from wind farm turbines are generally the rich landowners who become even more wealthy at the expense of the ordinary citizen. Lots of people have become very rich on the green carbon-con pound at the expense of others.
Turbines damage wildlife and the infrasound can be very unpleasant and may be linked to health problems.
Infrasounds at seven cycles per second causes anxiety and nausea.
Wind turbines do not protect the environment; they damage the countryside.
It is time for some innovative thinking for energy supply as I predict that one day all wind farms will be dismantled as they are really not that cost effective.