Sunday, 18 December 2011

Oxford Politics

Printed in the Oxford Mail

Good leadership

IT WAS brave of PM David Cameron to give the V sign to Europe. He has shown some true leadership at last.
The eurozone is a sinking ship and frankly we are better off out of the vessel.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy only want us on board their sinking ship in order to exploit our financial services with a transaction tax to bail them out. Sarkozy is two-faced and was really underhand towards our last Prime Minister. He is not to be trusted.
We are better off trading with China as it has not signed up to the loss-making Kyoto protocol and therefore will be able to grow its economy, unlike Europe which has committed itself to this ridiculous treaty. 

SUSAN THOMAS, Magdalen Road, Oxford 

End of an era

KEITH Mitchell has done a fantastic job as leader of county council and his departure will mark the end of a golden era in Oxfordshire politics.
During his decade of leadership the county was consistently rated as excellent by the Audit Commission.
Keith is an accountant and he has managed the county finances shrewdly.
He also put in a phenomenal amount of overtime into juggling and balancing the books.
He was undoubtedly a safe financial pair of hands, unlike many politicians and bankers.
He is neither extravagant nor wasteful and that is a rare attribute in this reckless age.
Sadly his own party has let him down with the stringent local Government budget cuts.
Keith should have a word with David Cameron and William Hague about the misguided policy of increasing foreign expenditure at the expense of local spending. Much foreign aid is ending up in corrupt departments. One African official has spent millions on a property portfolio in Mayfair with the foreign aid.
The local Government spending cuts have led to a furore over library closures. A moderate, blue-stockinged lady was incensed at her description as a radical left winger when she voiced concerns about library closures.
Keith, who I have always found to be polite, charming and courteous, is understandably stressed and has lost his diplomacy under pressure.
He certainly has a way with words and I will miss his hilarious comments and hope he continues to write to the Oxford Mail. 

SUSAN THOMAS, Magdalen Road, Oxford