Saturday 18 August 2012

Take a fairer approach

I HAVE to agree with Green Party spokesman Cllr Craig Simmons’s economic calculations regarding the Temple Cowley Swimming Pool.
He is probably correct in stating that it is more cost effective to save the Temple Pool than to get rid of this much-loved facility.
Although I fully appreciate that deprived areas such as Blackbird Leys deserve extra investment in leisure facilities, I feel that the needs of Temple Cowley and east Oxford residents deserve equal consideration.
The city council needs to adopt a fairer and more balanced approach here instead of favouring one particular electoral ward at the expense of other wards.
Interestingly, my youngest son came home from school one day and said that he is upset with Oxford Labour as they want to shut his favourite pool! Clearly even 11-year-olds are getting involved in this political debate at school.
The Green Party secured an exceptionally high vote in the Temple Cowley Ward last May for this very reason.
Let us hope that a very long stay of execution will be granted for the much-loved Temple Cowley Swimming Pool and that a fairer approach is adopted by the city council regarding leisure facilities.
Magdalen Road

Comments (2)

1:20pm Fri 17 Aug 12
Sid Hunt says...
"deprived areas such as Blackbird Leys" - 'deprived area' seems to be en vogue currently appearing in several letters to the OM. Can any of the claimants actually substantiate the 'deprived area' claims?
7:56pm Fri 17 Aug 12
mytaxes says...
Why is it a "deprived area", what about the other areas in Oxford that are getting less and less for their council tax? How much will council tax increase next year to pay for their madcap schemes?
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