Friday 10 October 2014

High cost of shale gas

First published in Letters
Sir – A while ago I wrote that shale gas may be better than nuclear energy as it is low in carbon and nil in plutonium. Indeed all of the main parties and even UKIP now say that we should embrace low-carbon shale gas to avert climate change.

However, I have since been conducting a great deal of my own personal research into the mining of shale gas and I now feel that my letter was very wrong and regret sending it. The extraction of shale gas will use harmful chemicals that will irreparably pollute our water table.

This in turn will destroy all of our thriving brewery businesses which require a lot of clean fresh water to brew tasty real ales.

The costs of cleaning the water will be enormous and our fine breweries may go bust. This fact alone will not make shale worth our while.

We only have four years of shale gas reserves in the UK also. It is worth noting that Shell and BP do not wish to get involved with shale.

The reason is that these business giants are aware that the costs involved in cleaning up the water supply will outweigh the gas profits.

Shale mining uses benzene which is proven to cause leukaemia. Therefore I find myself backing the Green Party here as they are the only party opposing shale gas.
Susan Thomas, Oxford


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