Thursday 14 April 2011

Nuclear Power: Plutonium versus carbon. which is the greater Evil? Professor Hal Lewis is correct

In 2010 I wrote an article stating that a speck of plutonium is infinitely more dangeous than a speck of carbon. Carbon is not the root of all evil as the global warming lobby would have us believe. This fallacy has been adopted by opportunists keen to make a lot of money from propagating this lucrative myth. Such entrepreneurs include Al Gore, George Monbiot and Mark Lynas. The latter have both written books on global warming despite having no scientific qualifications.It is in their financial interests to keep the propaganda going to boost book sales. To further this goal they have been endorsing nuclear power as a low carbon form of energy.Mark lynas even flew(flying and  your carbon footprint Mark?) to Chernobyl to show how safe the contaminated land really is. Carbon was designated a pollutant in Law. This legislation adds weight to the their fallacious argument that carbon is dangerous. It is emphatically not a danger. Indeed the only outcome of carbon dioxide production will be enhanced crop growth.The Green Party lobbied in Europe to designate carbon as a pollutant. Politicians are not scientists. A strategic and economic error has occurred.It will add to our energy bills. Many scientists are frustrated and have resigned such as the brilliant  Hal Lewis. When coal was king , great britain was the richest country in the world. Mining equals wealth.
The Law needs to be repealed . Nuclear power will not ameliorate any hypothesised global warming. It may conversely destroy the Earth and add to dangerous radioactive pollution.

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