Thursday 14 April 2011

Masters essays should be marked Double Blind to avoid bias

The present system of marking essays is open to bias. This is because the second marker can see the comments written on the essay by the first marker. The external marker can also see the remarks and this may lead to bias. In social science the experimental trials are conducted according to a Double Blind Protocol to avoid Experimenter bias. This procedure needs to be implemented in essay assessment. The marks are biased by the first marker. The Conformity Study by Solomon Asch shows how people are prone to copy the predecessor.  Separate sheets of paper need to be given to the three markers. These sheets need to be kept blind from the other markers. At present there is only one piece of paper for all the markers so they do not even need to read the essay if they so choose, but merely sign the paper.Does this laxity occur frequently? Therefore I hope that a proper scientific procedure will be adopted in future to mark Masters essays.

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