Friday 20 May 2011

The Unsolved Mystery of Maddie McCann ; Cuddle Cat the key to the mystery

This high profile case has baffled and perplexed. Clearly the loving Mother had nothing to do with her daughter`s disappearance. She is genuinely bereft. 
A few anomalies warrant investigation.If I were a detective I would ask the following questions.
1. Why did GerryMcCann put the toy cuddle cat in the washing machine??? It was left behind by the alleged abductor and would have had the kidnappers DNA on it. Maddie always slept with her cuddle cat by her.
The crime scene was destroyed by the police incompetence but the cuddle cat remained as a rich source of evidence. The washing of cuddle cat rather implicates the Father Gerry.
2.The night of the alleged abduction was cold and windy. Therefore the cold night air would have awoken sleeping Maddie. As a parent myself I am fairly certain of this.
3. Jane Tanner alleges she saw a sleeping child being carried away. The cold air indicates that the child was either dead or sedated. 
4. Was this person in fact Gerry carrying his daughter who had accidentally died of a sedative given to ensure an uninterrupted dinner party.
5.Jane Tanner was maybe a little inebriated. She saw light trousers. What colour trousers was Gerry wearing that evening??
6. The previous evening the children had cried a lot. Did this lead to a decision to sedate the children??
7. Why did the Mother Kate McCann say that the twins looked as if they had been drugged??
8. The sniffer dogs indicated a death in the apartment. Were they right or were they prompted as claimed by the McCanns.
9. Has Gerry pulled the wool over vhis wife`s eyes in a massive cover up??
10. The dogs detected a scent of death in the hire car that was hired two weeks later. Was the body hidden elsewhere in the interim weeks  and subsequently moved to a more secure place later by Gerry.
11. The old saying " methinks he doth protest too much" could apply to Gerry. As a parent myself I can not imagine going to the Edinburgh fringe festival to publicise the case as Gerry did. It seems too theatrical
12.I have been studying the psychology of lying. It is possible to detect lies by certain markers. In an interview Gerry says that "a person went into an appartment and stole a child". The phrasing used is classic for a fibber. Why??? Because he has distanced himself with detached words. Instead of our appartment he said an appartment and a child instead of our child. This is indicative of guilt.
13. The massive campaign to find Maddie has served as a brilliant smoke screen for a tragic accident. Gerry has now dug himself in too deep with his lie to own up.  He would not want to lose the love of his wife and admit the truth
14. Jane Tanner may hold vital clues. However the man she saw may have been an innocent passer by holding his own child. False memories are notoriously common in witnesses and Jane may have imagined the pink pyjamas to subconciously  please Kate McCann. 
15. Most of the small clues are pointing at Gerry and an accidental death that he unwisely chose to cover up.

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