Monday 13 July 2015

Everybody deserves right to buy their own home

Everbody deserves right to buy their own home
Everbody deserves right to buy their own home
Score: 6
Mary Clarkson says... 1:18pm Thu 9 Jul 15 If you saw the appalling state of some of the ex-Council houses, which were bought under the Right to Buy scheme and soon became Buy to Let properties, you would see that they are some of the most rundown homes in the City. Owners are 'more inclined to improve their properties'? Sadly, not the case. Many are people who invest nothing in their cheap ex-Council homes but now make a massive fast buck out of others who will never be able to own their own properties.
Score: 6
Steve Smith 1980 says... 2:37pm Thu 9 Jul 15 How about those not lucky enough to get a housing association property who would love to rent somewhere decent? Or those who scrimp and save to pay full price for somewhere secure to live in a vastly overinflated market? A lucky few will benefit from a massive payment from the tax payer whilst the rest either suffer or are left with the gross unfairness of funding it and their own home. This right to buy is nothing more than a cheap election bribe and is deeply wrong.
Score: 5
BogoffOCC says... 12:29am Fri 10 Jul 15 First and foremost NOT everyone, infact millions of people can't afford to buy a house. Second over 30% of right to buy are now in private hands as buy to lets and rented out for housing benefit, cause it pays. Third pull your head put of your arse. A home is not a house, it is your living space shared with the significant other(s) in your life and thanks to decades of right to buy and no replacement stock we are now in a mess and the new policies from coke boy and moron will undermine the chances of this and the next generation ever owning their castle ( more like a cardboard box). We need a national social house build and a lot of oldies to spend their pensions on booze, fags, holidays and fast cars NOT second houses as buy to let pensions for little timothy and jemima.
Score: 2
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