Thursday 3 September 2015

Support for Corbyn's backing of coal power

Score: 2
Oxford rabbit says... 11:25pm Mon 24 Aug 15 We should stop subsidising vanity projects such as the Osney Hydro, too much of our tax is being wasted on subsidies.
Score: 1
the wizard says... 7:41am Tue 25 Aug 15
Oxford rabbit wrote…

We should stop subsidising vanity projects such as the Osney Hydro, too much of our tax is being wasted on subsidies.
Vanity project it is not, if fact more projects like this should be welcomed. It's almost free power. Power will always come at a cost. It is dangerous to handle and maintain, but there are risks with almost all types of generation, but seemingly renewable sources often offer the lowest risks. Solar, wind and hydro are all friendly to the environment in comparison with most types of generation of a power station derived output.
Nuclear, Coal and Oil all have environmental issues with their residue. they all feature in global warming, and they all leave a pollutant residue behind them. Being big doesn't make it better, it just leaves a bigger mess to be cleaned up.
Score: -2
Oxford rabbit says... 2:48pm Tue 25 Aug 15
the wizard wrote…

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