Tuesday 22 December 2015

Carbon trading will become world’s biggest commodity Carbon trading will become world’s biggest commodity Carbon trading will become world’s biggest commodity Wednesday 2 December 2015 / Letters Share 0 comments Want more local stories like these, direct to your inbox? SOME readers are voicing concerns as to why we have to close our cheap-to-run and operational coal power stations to divest from fossil fuels and to use dangerous nuclear power and imported Russian gas instead. In London’s financial world, carbon trading is the latest trend. Carbon shares will soon become the world’s biggest commodity market, and the world’s biggest market of stocks and shares. One of the main reasons that all the political parties now endorse this low carbon path is a financial one. Even the Green-sceptic Conservative Party enthusiastically endorses low carbon power. George Osborne said that he wished to protect the low carbon market at all costs as it is worth billions of pounds worldwide. That figure will continue to grow, as developing nations demand more energy that will likely be produced by coal and other carbon heavy sources of fuel. As more international governments start to regulate their country’s emissions, and as more companies start to voluntarily limit their emissions, the demand for available carbon credits will sky-rocket. And so will their price! As for the impact of coal on global warming... Share article In my humble opinion, vested financial and political interest does not work well for impartial science. SUSAN THOMAS

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