Tuesday 22 December 2015

Profiteering through carbon trading permits Profiteering through carbon trading permits Profiteering through carbon trading permits 11:00 Tuesday 22 December 2015 / Letters Share 0 comments Want more local stories like these, direct to your inbox? SOMEHOW I was not at all surprised to see that the Governor of the Bank of England attended the Paris climate deals. I am sure that big bucks are trading hands on the back of trendy carbon trading permits to “pollute” with carbon dioxide. As I suspected would happen, India will carry on burning coal while we curtail our own use. This allows the carbon share price to soar thus making billions on the global stock markets. Meanwhile, this glorious climate deal will allow the proliferation of “low carbon” nuclear power stations. Whoever would have dreamt that nuclear power would now be labelled as green energy? Acres of forest worldwide will be cut down to provide fuel for our biomass power stations that have replaced the coal. The concept behind biomass has been long forgotten along the blind climate alley. Biomass refers to dead or fallen wood on the ground that may be burnt as a so-called carbon neutral fuel. Biomass does not include deliberately felling forests of trees as is now happening in the name of green energy. Share article Meanwhile, deadly diesel “low carbon” vehicles continue to kill huge numbers worldwide with their noxious particulate emissions. SUSAN THOMAS Oxford

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