Wednesday 24 December 2014

Cut out the particulates

First published in Letters
TRAVELLING behind an Oxford Bus Company vehicle, I was impressed that it stated zero particulate emissions.
The air smelt clean and fresh, which makes a nice change from most other buses.
This is surely the way forward for other bus companies, since research is indicating the exhaust particulates lead to heart, lung disease and cancers. Benzene from vehicles also causes leukaemia.
There is a robust body of scientific proof that shows benzene is one of the main causes of this disease.
It seems we are running a two-tier system on our roads. On the one hand there are vehicles emitting highly noxious and injurious fumes while on the other hand there are vehicles whose emissions are relatively harmless to health. More needs to be done to ensure that all diesel vehicles have zero particulates such as the Oxford Bus Company buses.
Then our public health will improve and the NHS will save money. Our streets will be so pleasant if all vehicles are compelled to have zero particulate emissions.
Magdalen Road

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