Wednesday 24 December 2014

We’ve made it worse

First published in Letters
 RECENTLY the Taliban executed a young woman for adultery in line with the strict Sharia law in Afghanistan.

 Ironically, Sharia Law is now prevalent in Libya thanks to the monumental incompetence of our Foreign Secretary William Hague.

 Under the democratic regime of deposed Gadaffi, Libya had exemplary rights for women.

 Indeed I would go as far to say that Colonel Gadaffi was a good leader.
Under his rule, Libyans had free university education and free electricity.
Even the unemployed were entitled to receive a comparable wage as that of a working person. Women had full and equal rights.

 Gadaffi was correct in saying that the rebels were Al Qaeda.

 William Hague was the prime instigator of the military action. He fancies himself as a Rambo action man.

 There are those who believe that Gadaffi was behind Lockerbie or the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher.

 There is no proper forensic proof to corroborate either of these theories.

 The shots that killed the WPC could not possibly have come from the Libyan embassy.

 Gadaffi was smeared and used as a fall guy.

 His son also gave millions of pounds to the LSE.

 Our Government has cocked up by killing Gadaffi and enabling repressive Sharia law to take the place of the democracy.

 Libya is a mess now thanks to William Hague.

 Well done idiots in the Foreign Office. You have excelled yourselves again.

Magdalen Road,

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