Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Jet streams are causing these weather patterns

First published in Letters
WITH the woeful prospect of yet more heavy rains, some people are worried that it may be caused by man-made climate change.
However it is our jet stream, not carbon dioxide, that causes our weather patterns. The jet stream either brings wet, mild westerlies or colder air systems from the north and east.
Man-made anthropogenic climate change provides a political comfort blanket for any error regarding flood management.
The main driver of climate in the UK is the position of the jet stream.
The position of the jet stream is affected by solar input, not by carbon dioxide emissions, according to scientists.
The cold winters of 2009/2010 occurred as scientifically measured low solar activity altered the position of the jet stream causing it to bring down freezing polar air.
Yes we should focus on reducing dirty hydrocarbons from traffic for our health’s sake but it is foolish to believe that we can affect our weather by lowering carbon emissions.
SUSAN THOMAS Magdalen Road Oxford

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