Wednesday 19 August 2015

A question the Labour Party has to ask itself

A question the Labour Party has to ask itself
A question the Labour Party has to ask itself
Score: -11
tws says... 10:24pm Wed 29 Jul 15 Jeremy Corbyn resonates with what a lot of local people, (& nationally), really want & need!!!
The facts are, he is being heard & the media & right wing in New Labour aka the war criminal Bliar, don't like it one bit.
Corbyn is calm, concise, uncorruptable & refuses to get into the usual slagging off of opponents. Isn't that a refreshing change from most other corrupt poiticians, only in it, for themselves?
What you have to look at & qualify are his policies, you either like them or you don't?
The alternative, look at the front page regards more NHS closures & privatisation, just ONE issue Corbyn would reverse!
Score: -1
Zaxharias Ziegla says... 10:25pm Thu 30 Jul 15 "Corbyn is calm, concise, uncorruptable (sic) & refuses to get into the usual slagging off of opponents." That's what was said of Robespiere, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and a whole host of political tyrants. Corbyn's problem (well one of them), like your's, is his outdated dirigiste agenda. From time-to-time a new leftwing Messiah appears to inspire a fresh wave of socialist pseudo-religious mania--but wasn't your Messiah Galloway?
Score: 0
Andrew:Oxford says... 12:20pm Fri 31 Jul 15
tws wrote…

Jeremy Corbyn resonates with what a lot of local people, (& nationally), really want & need!!!
The facts are, he is being heard & the media & right wing in New Labour aka the war criminal Bliar, don't like it one bit.
Corbyn is calm, concise, uncorruptable & refuses to get into the usual slagging off of opponents. Isn't that a refreshing change from most other corrupt poiticians, only in it, for themselves?
What you have to look at & qualify are his policies, you either like them or you don't?
The alternative, look at the front page regards more NHS closures & privatisation, just ONE issue Corbyn would reverse!
Yet the socialist SNP government in Scotland, which thrashed the Labour party in the GE, has privatised a signficantly higher level of NHS services than the Tories have in England. Will The Corbyn meet the union demands to stop the break-up of the NHS and return it to one united NHS for one United Kingdom?
You voted +1 Score: 1
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