Wednesday 19 August 2015

We’ve made it worse

Score: 0
Fantomas says... 7:16pm Tue 17 Jul 12 "The shots that killed the WPC could not possibly have come from the Libyan embassy"
If you have any new evidence, (not conspiracy theories) pertaining to this then I hope that you'll bring them to the proper authorities.

Score: 0
Megs says... 10:51am Wed 18 Jul 12 I worked, on women's issues, during the 1990s, in countries where there was Sharia Law. Some have recently seen revolutions and some military action from foreign organisations and countries. I can assure Susan Thomas that extreme, unacceptable behaviour towards women, for which Sharia law may have been used as the excuse, existed in many of these countries and certainly predates the UK's & it's allies interventions in the cases she mentions, of Afghanistan and Libya. Further, the women I have worked with in such countries know that freedom from dictatorship is a fundamental aspect of human dignity. They have not been ignorant the fate they might face if dictatorship is removed and tentative democracy introduced; but is it not perhaps conceivable that they might like to engage in the battle for their own rights in their own nation rather than have some Susan Thomas blethering on about how much better it all was before, under the old regime?
Score: 0

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