Friday 7 August 2015

Help women and children in the Calais crisis

Help women and children in the Calais crisis
Help women and children in the Calais crisis
Score: 14
fat Barry says... 12:54pm Thu 6 Aug 15
.simplicissimus wrote…
Wrong, Susan. Women and children never need travel as far as Calais to claim asylum (nor do the men), because EU law stipulates asylum to be granted in the 1st country reached, which is not the UK, but elsewhere. Is France a country from which refugees need asylum? No. We should accept NONE via any EU port.
Score: 12
Steve Smith 1980 says... 3:16pm Thu 6 Aug 15 Even in our modern day and age people still think one gender has more value than another? So much for equality. All should be treated equally, and all should be treated on the validity of their claims. No one should be given amnesty because of some outdated sexist notion of "chivalry".
Score: 5
ashleyc says... 4:18pm Thu 6 Aug 15 How many of these people are women or chidren anyway? I've yet to see a woman with a buggy clinging to the top of a lorry.
Score: 7
rogerjwise says... 6:26pm Thu 6 Aug 15 You forget the fruits belong to all, and that the land belongs to no one. R
Score: -5
Zaxharias Ziegla says... 6:36pm Thu 6 Aug 15 That Susan Thomas in her presentation of bleeding-heart liberalism--somethin g spurred-on by a Marxism that has spent decades attempting to destroy European Civilisation--should find it convenient to ask for British decency be brought to bear in assisting in what is the latest element in Ragnarok, is akin to assisting in our own annihilation. As such liberal-minded folk are not beyond redemption, I suggest they enjoy what's left of this summer, then when the dark nights return, watch The Soviet Holocaust parts 1-4 (You Tube) preferably in one evening; then try The Endgame on the following evening. If that doesn't give them pause, then they are truly 'lost souls.'
Score: 1
the wizard says... 6:53pm Thu 6 Aug 15 Do me a favour, charity they say starts at home. If you really look hard enough there are many more deserving cases in any city centre in this country. If people in the originating countries wnant to have up risings rebelions and so they should seek shelter in the first friendly country they come to, not seek to take the mickey out of the Brits because somebody has spun them a line. These women always look fit enough to climb in and out of trailers, you should try it, its harder than it looks. many come here and don't even speak English yet they expect us to give, give, give. Sorry the game should have been over long, long, long agao but our spineless leader who hasn't got a clue let alone grasp of the situation is afraid to speak up and stand up and take positive decisive action, call him Dave, call him Useless P1 ll0ck more like.
Score: 3
rogerjwise says... 12:19am Fri 7 Aug 15 Feeble racists
Score: -4
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