Tuesday 1 March 2011

Looming energy gap

Regarding the closure of our coal fired power stations

The era of power cuts is slowly dawning, and frankly I blame the Green Party’s meddling in Europe for the imminent blackouts.
 During the recent blackouts caused by various systems failures, not one of the UK’s 2000 wind turbines came to the rescue.
 Indeed, if they had managed to input any energy the situation might have been exacerbated. The Greens have been very active in Brussels, and we have now been saddled with a large quota of renewable energy from wind turbines. Every family will eventually pay £1,000 extra in their electricity and gas bills to pay for green subsidies. 
 Although I like the idea of clean energy very much indeed, I am also a realist. The technology is still in it’s infancy and I see problems ahead when the U.K has to close nine coal-fired power stations to comply with the Large Combustion Plant Directive. Gordon Brown needs to keep our coal-fired stations running and ignore the E.U directive or industry will suffer when the power cuts come.
 Caroline Lucas, Green MEP may have had good intentions during her stint in Brussels; but sometimes good intentions are not enough in this world.

Postscript: The Government has recently decided to back the creation of new coal fired power stations to avoid the predicted power cuts. 

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