Monday 7 March 2011


A lot of the wisdom and common sense of days gone by is slowly vanishing in the mists of time. 
Back in the Edwardian and Victorian era, it was very fashionable to put sick consumptive patients outside in the fresh air for sun baths. Even in freezing cold weather ailing patients would be wheeled outside to bask in the sun.
These days many hospitals are built with little access to natural daylight. Certainly hospital patients are no longer taken outside for healthy sun baths. This is a great shame as ultra violet light has a potent germ killing and bacteriacidal property. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that ultra violet light will kill most living bacteria.
Sunlight is nature`s very own natural disinfectant. If you have a  bacterial skin infection then it would be wise to take regular sun baths. Sunlight also facilitates the production of vitamin D, often known as the sunshine vitamin. Low levels of vitamin D cause rickets, osteoporosis, heart disease and is even linked to some cancers (bowel).
So providing one is not fair skinned, a short sun bath is good for maintaining a healthy immune system and will aid patient recovery.

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