Tuesday 8 March 2011


This case portrays the Criminal Justice System in a  most inefficient and inept light. The crime scene was disturbed by hordes of marauding police officers . The police even allowed a firearms training unit to enter the murder crime to conduct a training exercise using the corpses. The murder weapon  and murdered bodies were moved around as  clearly evidenced by the photographs.
Initially the murder was held to be a tragic consequence of a Mother who had gone beserk and killed her own children and parents before killing herself. Subsequently the brother was convicted of the murder on the hearsay of a bitter ex- girlfriend who was nursing a grievance against Bamber Cafell. She said that he did it to get the inheritance. 
Nowadays there is sophisticated software known as voice recognition analysis that can detect if a person is lying. This VRA software is used by actuarial insurance assessors. This girlfriend`s statement needs to be placed under such scientific scrutiny to ascertain its veracity. This has not been done and therefore  the statement amounts to no more than hearsay. As evidence it is therefore worthless. It seems that Bamber Cafell has been convicted purely because the jury and Judge did not like the look of him. This is known as the negative halo effect. 
The sister known as Bambi Cafell suffered with paranoid schizophrenia. It is very common for sufferers of this disorder to commit violent or murderous acts. The list is vast. Recently a paranoid Mother named Theresa Riggi was convicted of stabbing her three children to death. A paranoid Father also tried to kill his children by driving into a river after an argument with his ex partner. A father jumped from a hotel balcony with his two children after rowing with his wife. The list of children murdered by insane and temporarily insane parents is sadly a lengthy one.
On the night of the killings, there had been an argument between the Mother Bambi Cafell  and her foster parents about the children. Arguments about children has been shown to be a trigger for irrational and murderous behaviour towards infants. Bambi may have been driven to a precipice of homicidal insanity by the inflammatory comments. This would have been exacerbated by the time of the dispute. It was very late and she would have been over tired and irritable. Being of a paranoid nature she would not take criticism well. 
The conclusion of this analysis is that the Appeal Court has been negligent. They have made a judgement based on prejudice and stereotypy. A similar scenario has occurred with poor Amanda Knox who is bearing her trial with great fortitude.

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