Tuesday 26 August 2014

First published in Letters
A FEW years ago I wrote a paper on the nascent threat of Islamic radicalisation for my masters degree.
It seems that the Government has been caught napping and it must now wake up to this serious threat to our status quo. To date our foreign policy has been an absolute disaster in this matter. Indeed it is hardly surprising that William Hague decided to offer his resignation. The Foreign Secretary had not realised the threat of radical Islamic groups and twice had inadvertently supported Al Qaeda groups.
He thought it would be a vote winner to depose Muammar Gaddafi, who was a Westernised leader. Gaddafi was murdered by radicalised Al Qaeda groups with our military backing, thus leaving a dangerous vacuum.
The Foreign Office nearly offered military support to radicalised rebels in Syria but fortunately the Government listened to our concerns this time.
Meanwhile, a lot of money donated to rebuild Iraq by us has gone missing and I wonder how much of it has ended up in the coffers of Al Qaeda or Islamic State groups.
The stated aims of the radicalists is to completely impose a stricter Islamic state or Caliphate on the entire globe and to eliminate Christianity.
This aim is known as jihad or a holy war. The legal system they wish to prevail is called sharia law.
This Government needs to wake up and at least start to address the spread of sharia law which discriminates against women’s equal rights and contravenes equality legislation. Oxford imams such as Dr Taj Hargey have denounced this radical agenda. It is sad that the peaceful religion of Islam is being tarred by the expansionist aims of radicalised Jihadist warriors.
Susan Thomas
Magdalen Road

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