Tuesday 26 August 2014

Like the conservationist Ivan Wright, I too was concerned at the logging activities taking place at Shotover Nature Reserve in the guise of a woodfuel programmme.
I decided to embark on some detective work.
I rang the sponsors named on the trees for fuel website.
I politely asked the named sponsors if they were indeed backing the programme.
The Forestry Commission vehemently denied supporting the group and were very surprised and cross that they were implicated.
Secondly I rang the Esme Fairbairn Foundation.
Karen Wooley writes in the Oxford Mail that this charity is supporting their wood for fuel activities.
Again the charity denied supporting them.
They said that they were approached for funding but had no hesitation in turning the unworthy scheme down as it is wrong to fell wood in a Nature reserve.
Finally I also rang Oxfordshire County Council who Ms Wooley alleges is backing the programme in her letter.
They too denied any knowledge...correct me if there is anyone out there who is involved on the county council,,please.
A huge amount of damage is being inflicted on this Nature reserve by a possibly commercial logging group.
I fear also that English Nature may have been persuaded to pay them large sums to sow heather patches that are not a native species to Shotover. This is the reason the group gave me for their felling of numerous birch trees....

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