Tuesday 26 August 2014

Shotover Country Park is a Nature Reserve formerly home to many plant and insect species.
I say formerly as the Reserve is slowly being desecrated by logging groups who are cutting down healthy trees for fuel.
The Oxford Mail recently ran a feature on a wood fuel team lead by Carl Whitehead and Riki Therival who runs a commercial wood fuel business.
The article said that free logs were available to volunteers in return for help at Shotover.
It is in fact illegal to take any wood from a Nature Reserve.
This is because fallen wood is home to countless insect species .
It is even worse to cut down healthy trees for wood for fuel from a Nature Reserve as has been happening at Shotover.
A rare patch of orpine flowers has been eradicated along woth harebells and countless other wildflowers all wiped out by amateur volunteers.
Oxford City Council should not be sponsoring a wood fuel programme from a Nature Reserve.
It is an utter disgrace.
Oxford Preservation Trust gifted Shotover Park to Oxford City Council in 1952.
The Park should not be used for a commercial logging activity such as this woodfuel programme.
The Trust also gifted a farm building, Westhill farm, which is now the scene of numerous bonfire parties held by Mr. Whitehead`s group.

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