Many experts are predicting blackouts in the imminent future and indeed this has already occurred.
Power cuts can cost lives as well as seriously damaging the economy.
This is due to the renewable energy quota that we have been saddled with from Europe. During the recent power cut not one of the two thousand wind turbines came to the rescue Indeed had they managed to input any energy into the Grid the situation may well have been exacerbated.
During very cold weather caused by an anti cyclone there is no wind either .Solar panels not much use in winter either if covered in snow.
Caroline Lucas has been very busy in Europe and the result will not be beneficial to our economy.
There will be grave economic problems ahead when we close nine coal fired power stations to comply with the Large Combustion Plant Directive; a move that will have no impact whatsoever on the climate I may add.
It is a syllogism to infer that because coal happens to be black it must be dirty.
Mining our buried treasured resources leads to prosperity.
When Great Britain was the wealthiest nation on Earth industry was driven by KING COAL and Britannia Ruled the Waves!
Some say it is not economic to mine our own coal.
I say let us find a way to make it worth reopening a coal mine or two and get all those once proud mining communities back to work and off incapacity benefit.
The Green Party have inflicted huge economic damage via Europe and their unproven hypotheses of anthropogenic warming.
The CFL light bulbs are another travesty we have the Greens to thank for. They are full of mercury, a powerful neurotoxin and will pollute the Environment in the long term.
Please note that one can be a keen environmentalist and not subscribe to the doctrines that carbon is the root of all evil and that CFL bulbs will save the planet. Both premises are incorrect.
Labour has made a mistake in slavishly adopting the policies of the Greens. By all means let us explore new technologies and ways of power generation but only in a measured and calculating manner.
Do we really want to give Denmark millions of pounds for their wind turbines? No is the obvious answer. We need to make our own and explore tidal projects using British engineers.
Thermonuclear fusion energy generation is unlikely to succeed in our lifetime; or the next for that matter as the theory is incorrect.
Therefore ITER is also another blind alley.(INTERNATIONAL THERMONCLEAR REACTOR)
It is ironic that the Green Party has now found itself in the ridiculous situation of having to back NUCLEAR FISSION as a means to plugging the energy gap caused by their LARGE COMBUSTION PLANT DIRECTIVE. This was the Party that spent years organising anti nuclear demonstrations!!!
They have got themselves in a political mess but still people vote for them in the erroneous belief that they will save the planet. Actually I foresee that their policies will bring environmental damage if the GM lobby succeed in pushing their GLOBAL WARMING AGENDA.
Regarding nuclear energy, this may have been a lucrative option had we not sold out on our own brilliant nuclear scientists years ago.
Now we are at the mercy of French power giants.
All so short sighted and all so very avoidable.
Energy is where the big bucks are to be made but NOT THE CLIMATE.
Climate issues have become confused with ETHICAL MAN. However it is still possible to ethically care for the environment without subscribing to the CARBON IS EVIL FALLACY.
Carbon in the form of coal equals energy equals wealth.
Nuclear Power is being promoted as being environmentally friendly due to low carbon emissions. A truly massive error and one that future generations will curse us for….. So says my crystal ball.
It takes just one speck of plutonium to cause cancer.
When Colwyn Bay flooded an analysis of the silt by geologists found traces of DEADLY PLUTONIUM. This could only have originated from Sellafield.
Thus, coal is probably the lesser of the two evils in the long run.We do have a thousand years of the stuff to use,. By 3000A.D. we will have perfected micro cold fusion devices so no need to feel guilty about using up our coal reserves for now,
Ed Miliband has gone all Evangelical in his new role, would be prudent to rename the position as SECRETARY FOR ENERGY AND ENTERPRISE. He will probably end up as Leader of the Labour Party because of this saintly role.
Therefore keep an eye on Greg Clark. ENERGY EQUALS POWER.
It is a potentially very important position on par with that of Home Secretary.
Finally my sister has told me to retract my comments re AID to overseas .She says it is BAD KARMA, Still it is a fact that it is a waste of money to try and prevent global warming, An ice age will inflict far greater damage to the World economy. Last year thousands of pensioners died because of the cold weather, COLD WEATHER EQUALS FINANCIAL RUIN
Sea levels will not rise if carbon dioxide levels rise and the Maldives will not be flooded either, Tsunamis and tidal floods are caused by plate tectonics not by global warming.
The Government also wasted millions on that inane advert about global warming.
I am sure that Lloyd George is turning in his grave at what has become of this country. Did Great Britain dish out billions of pounds then to other countries to help combat global warming???
Did the Industrial Revolution during which tons of coal were burnt IN MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE cause an increase in temperatures??
NASA was trying to find the answer to this question when it launched a satellite to search for this unaccounted for carbon dioxide. Unfortunately the satellite crashed into the sea leaving the mystery of the missing carbon dioxide emissions unanswered. NASA need not have bothered with wasting so much money on the project. Most carbon dioxide is recycled into the soil or plants. Back to school NASA!!
And lastly let us not forget that we currently have no reliable empirical scientific data to prove any rise in world temperatures.
Even the Met Office data has to now be discounted in the light of CLIMATEGATE. So the next time someone solemnly professes that
This has been the warmest decade on record take it with a pinch of Salt.
That is if there is any left.