Sunday 25 September 2011


Traffic schemes end in disaster

It seems that every time Oxfordshire County Council pours money into a new traffic scheme, it ends in disaster.
At least Ian Hudspeth, the cabinet member for transport, has had the decency to admit that the Conservatives have got it all wrong in Abingdon (Oxford Mail, June 10).
The £3.1m squandered on a fatuous strategy would have been better diverted to other departments, such as social services for the elderly.
If the whole transport department had taken itself off to the Bahamas with the money, the roads of Oxfordshire would probably be in a safer and better condition.
It is not only Mr Hudspeth who makes mistakes, however.
His Conservative predecessor, David Robertson, managed to turn Cowley Road, Oxford, into a wibbly, wobbly way, without the aid of psychedelics!

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