During the freezing cold spell in January 2009 an alien encounter occurred at Conisholme Wind Farm. Witnesses reported seeing strange lights hovering above the wind farm. It seemed that a fleet of UFOs were coming to invade our peaceful planet!!! The next day a broken turbine blade was found on the ground and another was bent at a strange angle. Did invading aliens come to inspect the innovative technology??
A more prosaic explanation is that the freezing anti cyclone caused a gear box malfunction. There is no wind in an anticyclone and the blades were covered in ice. Turbines will not supply energy in cold weather so let us hope that global warming is real as we shall all freeze to death otherwise!! It seems that wind turbines are not so renewable after all and their component parts such as gearboxes and blades often need replacing. The ugly pylons needed for wind farms will blight the countryside. All the concomitant infrastructure will wreak a trail of destruction in its wake.
Lord Mayor Ioan Richard is right to be concerned about their proliferation
In Hawaii there lies an abandoned wind farm in Kamoa. The tax payer subsidies ran out and the wind farm soon fell into ruin. There are many such abandoned follies world wide. The fact is that these turbines soak up large amounts of cash to keep functioning and run at a financial loss. Many wind farms are subsidised by EU funds. If you are lucky enough to own a large swathe of land like Sir Reginald Sheffield then you may earn a tidy sum of money in return for a wind farm For the rest of us wind farms are not economical and are a financial drain. During the recent freezing Winters there was little wind due to a freezing anti cyclone. People would have frozen to death were it not for the Drax coal fired power station working flat out to supply energy.
Yet that Green party lunatic, Caroline Lucas wishes to have all our precious heat generating coal fired power stations shut down. Indeed when she was an MEP she instigated a Directive to close most of our nine coal fired power stations. This is known as the Large Combustion Plant Directive. We will soon be freezing and suffering blackouts thanks to the Green Party. That is why potentially dangerous nuclear power is the trendy new zeitgeist as its needed to fill a looming energy gap . When Coal was king in the Edwardian era we were the richest nation in the world!!

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