Saturday 24 September 2011



 There are several anomalies and inconsistencies in the view points of civil liberty campaigners Shami Chakrabarti and David Davis.
 I recently watched a very edifying episode of David Dimbleby which included the former Shadow Home Secretary David Davis on the panel.
 The extremely astute Mr Dimbleby managed to expose the shallowness of David Davis’s stance on civil liberties.
 David Davis rather unwisely let it be known that he had supported the incarceration of suspects for 28 days even though half had subsequently been proven to be innocent.
 David Dimbleby immediately pounced on this half hearted support of Habeas Corpus and grilled the mortified Conservative MP.
 “So you think it is alright to lock up suspects for 28 days but not for 42 days, even though half of these detainees have subsequently been found innocent?”, Mr Dimbleby asked the hapless MP.
 There could be no backtracking now for the exposed civil liberties campaigner. “Yes” he replied, “That’s right, that’s what I said”.
 Me Dimbleby was completely stupefied and amused by his response and muttered something along the lines of “Either you support Habeas Corpus or you don’t.”
 David Davis was left looking an absolute fool by the perspicacious David Dimbleby.
 Civil liberties campaigner Shami Chakrabarti has also been exposed as a sympathiser of the Country Alliance and the  campaign for blood sports. David Davis even wants to bring back hanging!
 I think it is a great shame that the other main parties are not fielding a candidate for the Yorkshire by-election as they would stand a reasonable chance of winning. It is quite apparent  that David Davis is  interested only in making a political name for himself following his failed leadership bid for the Conservative Party.

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