Saturday 24 September 2011


your paper has published some interesting features recently on the pros and cons of wind turbines.
It seems that these icons  are not such a great economic asset after all.
Sadly wind farms depend heavily on taxpayer funded subsidies to remain operational.
In Hawaii, the Kamaoa Wind Farm lies abandoned as do five others.
In California there are 140000 abandoned wind turbines that have been left to rot. A dreadful blight on the landscape.
The taxpayers subsidies simply ran out and so the turbines lie abandoned on one of the windiest places on earth.
A grim warning to us all that the quest for wind energy may lead to economic ruin.
The hazards of wind turbines are even greater in cold climates.
Ice can build up on blades during a freezing cold winter anticyclone. This can cause gear box failure and blades can snap as happened at Conisholme wind farm.
If a  turbine blade ruptured near a residence it could be  very dangerous.
Already our electricity bills have increased to pay for these follies.

 During the Industrial Revolution when coal was king we were the richest country in the world.
Our country still has over a thousand years worth of coal reserves to be mined and put to profitable use.
The  investors returns are far higher than those from wind power.

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