Saturday 24 September 2011


this week my 14 year old daughter attended a student fee protest in Oxford with her older brother having escaped from school after lunch with a large group of excited children from Cheney School.
I later discovered that a notice had been pinned up forbidding younger pupils from going.
By all accounts she had the time of her life ,despite being roughed up by two policemen and having a sore and marked arm to prove this.
She also narrowly missed being trampled by a police horse that was deliberately ridden into the crowd. Fortunately she is a very strong girl indeed and managed to pull herself away from the determined police officer who had grabbed her arm.
In other situations one might wonder if a strange man grabbed a young girl and suspect he might be a paedophile. I don`t see why police officers should be treated differently in this respect. How does one know what their motives are and whether they might secretly enjoy the opportunity to put their hands on young women?
Frankly it is disgraceful. The incident has now resulted in my law abiding daughter having a dislike of the police and i suspect this is the case now with all the other youngsters at such protests; this has clear attendant  and worrisome implications.

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