Saturday 24 September 2011


Oxford Mail, September 2009                   Susan Thomas


There has been a lot of controversy recently about the behaviour of Baroness Scotland who has flouted her own immigration laws.

It seems that not only has she made a mistake about the passport of her employee, but she is now alleging that thousands of pounds worth of jewellery has disappeared from her home in an attempt to slur her cleaner from Tonga.
 This is not very satisfactory conduct from a Law Lord.
 However, I always felt that the worst crime was committed when she wrote that awful book, "Ugly", which demonised her own hardworking mother who had sacrificed so much to bring up her daughter. This poor lady had to sew buttons on cardboard for hours to support her ten children. Instead of showing gratitude and compassion towards her long-suffering mother, the Baroness chose to attack this impoverished lady and ridicule her in the public arena.
 The book she wrote chose to focus on all the shortcomings and peccadilloes of her poor mother who later challenged her daughter unsuccessfully in court about this character assassination.
 The Baroness should be ashamed of herself. Her mother should be reaping the rewards of her daughter’s financial success after enduring such a difficult life bringing up her large family. Instead she has had to endure further suffering and humiliation.
The Bible teaches us to always "respect and honour thy Mother and Father".
All parents have shortcomings but we should never show disrespect towards those who have sacrificed so much to bring us into the world.

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