Saturday 24 September 2011

Greece and rhe black economy

The recents economic events in Greece caused by the black economy reminded me of an adventurous trip there in the 80`s with my sister.
We had caught the magic bus with our tent ,cooking utensils  , sleeping bags and a few hundred pounds . We were  intending to go Greek  island hopping.
One night all the beach tents were robbed .We awoke to find all our money had gone.
Angry scenes of mutual recrimination followed as we armed ourselves with our respective cooking utensils.
Eventually  all anger spent , we set off folornly to find help.
Help soon materialised in the guise of a friendly young handsome  Greek  chap called Spiros. Before long we found ourselves guests of honour being wined ,dined and taken for boating excursions on his small yacht.
Definitely the best part of the holiday to date we agreed.
The villa where we were staying was filled with whisky and cigarrettes. Spiros explained that he was a smuggler and even the local police were in on it.
 After a fun filled week  and now with  some money in our pockets we bade farewell to Spiros , but not before filling our rucksacks with bottles of whisky to present as gifts to our family.
All this naughtiness was very exciting to two young girls just out of convent school!
Eventually we arrived home having missed the first week of  our .University term.  It was definitely a memorable holiday
Recent events have shown how a  thriving black economy can wreak damage on a country`s economy; but it is easy to see why it  could be  an attractive pastime!

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