Saturday 24 September 2011


Dear William Hague
The way that David Miliband has handled the the kidnap of the Chandlers has bee an absolute disgrace.
Our Prime Minister Gordon Brown should sack this incompetent Minister who is certainly no champion of the people.
Miliband states that the government does not negotiate with terrorists. Well firstly the kidnappers are not terrorists but pirates.
A terrorist is motivated by a political or religious ideology but a pirate is motivated  purely by financial gain. Somalia is a desperately poor country and many turn to piracy  simply to survive.
It seems that a deal was brokered through diplomatic channels to release the captives for
 £61 000 but Miliband blocked it !!Nick Davis from the Merchant Maritime War Centre had got the funds for their release and was ready to push the button so to speak when Miliband vetoed the deal.
On the basis that this is a piracy case the government should act fast and reopen the negotiation immediately .
It is disgraceful that David Miliband is prepared to write off two British citizens lives to further his political persona. He is a liability to the Labour Party and should go!
By now the pirates are so fed up with waiting they will most likely accept an even lesser amount.
We must act fast to save the Chandlers as the kidnappers are finding it hard to feed them so they may be killed soon.
Then the Foreign Secretary will have blood on his hands.
 Can  you help to override the decisions of the weak and selfish Miliband who is an absolute joke????

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