Saturday 10 September 2011


In 1901 the young Liberal politician David Lloyd George bravely called an anti war meeting.
He stood up alone against a braying mob to denounce an unfair war being waged against the Boers.
 He always disliked the trampling underfoot of the underdog.
But the crowd, alive with jingoistic fervour were having none of it.   They felt that he was being unpatriotic and a riot ensued. He escaped in the nick of time in disguise.
War is never the way.  Peace is the true path to prosperity. The wealthy and neutral Switzerland   so aptly demonstrates this fact.
 Before the war on Iraq every single Lib Dem M.P. voted against the invasion while many Labour and Tory M.P.`s voted in favour.
Now Iraq is contaminated with depleted uranium giving rise to birth defects, and many lives have been lost on both sides; a terrible legacy.

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