Saturday 24 September 2011


Published Oxford Mail
May 2008                                                  Susan Thomas


I agree that the closure of the coalmines was a terrible mistake for our country.
 There is now a higher rate of depression and unemployment because of this.
 Once proud miners are reduced to claiming incapacity benefit and we are having to import our coal.
 Our country desperately needs new coal fired power stations such as Kingsnorth and I certainly do not believe that it will cause any climate change as Caroline Lucas Green MEP fanatically claims.
 It will provide jobs and electricity and is a sensible project.
 In the days when one of my great grandfathers was Director General of the mines, COAL WAS KING, and Britain was a proud industrial nation and the richest country in the world.
 Our Government is going down the right path in opening a new coal fired power station.
 Maybe they could even think about re-opening some of our coalmines?

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