Saturday 24 September 2011


Political Sex Scandals  , Oxford Mail      Susan Thomas 

It was amusing to see Michael Gove, MP, on TV recently with a couple of soft porn magazines by his side.
 What was all this about I wondered? I decided to forgo an early night to hear what he had to say. He was expounding the virtues of living the puritan lifestyle.
Immediately a wave of Conservative scandals flooded into my memory, somewhat mischievously.
 The last Conservative Government under John Major was bursting at the seams with sleaze and scandal. There was Jeffery Archer and his dalliance with loose women and then there was David Mellor and his toe sucking escapades with a Spanish beauty.

 Let us not forget the unbridled passion between John Major and the blue stockinged Edwina Currie.
 Going back further to the swinging sixties there was the Profumo affair. The sixties were the time of the Cold War and the Reds were lurking under the beds, or a Soviet Naval Attaché, to be more precise!
 Theoretically a security risk was posed by all this risqué behaviour. So poor John Profumo had to resign as War Minister.
 David Cameron was attempting to deep clean and white wash his Party's image with the angelic looking Michael Gove. It really was quite amusing to watch this sanctimonious piety with all these memories of Tory sex scandals!

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