Wednesday 13 May 2015

Absurd ideology

First published in Letters
Sir – It seems that hardly anyone in power is on the side of the consumer regarding energy prices.
The EU directive to close working coal power plants was the work of an Oxford resident, namely Caroline Lucas, who became an MEP. Simultaneously, low-carbon business initiatives were founded in Oxford which would net Oxford entrepreneurs vast profits as a result of this EU legislation.
This suspect directive was then given support by the drastic energy climate legislation imposed by Ed Miliband who became Energy Minister.
At the time Ed was quoted as saying that even though it would be hard on the consumer financially, their bills would have to rise for this worthy cause. He was also encouraged by the Oxford lobby.
Finally the Coalition will not repeal this foolish legislation that is costing our productive country at least £250bn to pay for an absurd ideology.
The green levies presently make up 10 per cent of the energy bill but it is projected to rise to 20 per cent. Why is the Government not repealing the 2008 Labour Party Climate Act nor ignoring the bankrupting EU directive?
Susan Thomas, Oxford
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