Wednesday 13 May 2015

once again a farmers conference has taken place in Oxfordshire during this chilly time of year
Once again a marketing lobby from the biotech seed companies has endeavoured to persuade hard pressed farmers of the apparent benefits of  purchasing genetically modified seeds with which to sow their crops.
Red flags are flying here and the farming community should take heed.
It is now a proven fact that the suicide rate of farmers has shot up exponentially in countries that have been mis-sold the GM technology.
In India alone  there have been over 200,000 suicides linked to the use of genetically modified seed patents.
This is due to the  very poor farmers  no longer  being able to make any profit whatsoever from the new expensive seeds.
 These new biotech seeds are terminator seeds so cannot be resown.
 Thus the farmer has to continually repurchase these hugely expensive seeds each year from the biotech companies in contrast to the traditional farming method of resowing .
Already farmers worldwide, including those in  the U.K., have a higher rate of suicide than that of the general population.
Any farmers reading this should take heed that they will be held over a shotgun barrel by a biotech monopoly.
Farmers need to realise that these  cunning biotech firms wish to monopolise the  centuries old tradition of resowing crops, in order to reap vast profits with patented seeds.

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