Wednesday 13 May 2015

The cartoon characters idea all adds up for me

First published in Letters
RECENTLY Mumsnet asked the political leaders which cartoon character they most identified with.
David Cameron said he was most like Thomas the Tank engine, a reliable train who always saves the day. Nick Clegg felt he was like the cuddly Paddington bear.
The Labour leader Ed Miliband felt he would be a great Captain Barnacles, perhaps showing a tenacious streak.
Continuing with the kindergarten theme we have an admission from the shadow chancellor Ed Balls.
The would be Chancellor of the Exchequer confessed that he cannot do basic maths and relies on his mother-in-law to do his difficult sums for him.
SUSAN THOMAS Magdalen Road, Oxford

Comments (3)

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3:56pm Mon 30 Mar 15
yabbadabbadoo256 says...
the chancellor is just a figurehead - a yes man - it is well known that the treasury is the policy setter when it comes to the budget the civil service have the real control and they are the ones that should be tackled
  • Score: 3

7:56pm Mon 30 Mar 15
Zaxharias Ziegla says...
Susan Thomas wrote: "The would be Chancellor of the Exchequer confessed that he cannot do basic maths and relies on his mother-in-law to do his difficult sums for him."

Well I guess that's an improvement on Sir Alex Douglas Home, who claimed he worked things out with matchsticks. But nevertheless it does kind of indicate what state this country is in.
  • Score: 2

8:34pm Tue 31 Mar 15
mytaxes says...
Gordon Brown abolished the 10p tax band supported at the time by Ed Miliband and Ed Balls they seemed surprised that it hit the poorest the most.
  • Score: 0

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