Wednesday 13 May 2015

being something of a tree hugger  I have just planted a eucalyptus tree in my back garden since they soak up a lot of rain water.
For years I have been extolling the virtues of planting more trees.
Trees soak up pollution and fill the air with oxygen.
A quarter of all carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by plant llfe.
Soil is also a good carbon sink.
15% of the world`s carbon is found is found in soil so we should reconsider overbuilding on land.

From space trees appear dark which means they absorb heat.
From space white snow reflects incoming radiative  heat and this is known as the albedo affect.
If we are heading for an ice age as NASA solar data suggests, then we need more trees to keep us warm.
 Since trees also absorb carbon dioxide, they will also help those who are concerned about the Greenhouse Effect.
 So it is a win win situation either way  for the climate  to plant more trees.
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