Einstein once said that if bees disappear then humans will soon become extinct.
He was making a point about our eco system whereby
If one species is removed then a domino effect occurs.
The Green Party are right to raise awareness of the dangers posed to our bees by pesticides.
Another huge danger to bees is genetically modified crops.
These GM crops use terminator seeds in order to maximise profits for biotech agrigiants.
These terminator seeds have been shown to damage bees` digestive organs in a study in North America.
Bee colony collapse has increased significantly since the introduction of GM foods in North America.
Terminator seeds cannot be resown so they drive up profits for companies like Monsanto.
The genetic modification of the plant leads to the genetic modification of the pollen also.
The Monsanto agrigiant also makes glyphosate weedkillers such as Roundup and defoliant poisons such as Agent Orange.
The EU has managed to keep Gm foods at bay but not for long I fear.
These GM agrigiants are very cunning and say that we need GM foods to combat starvation.
However the goal of the GM industry is to sell more of their own weedkillers such as roundup that are engineered to be compatible with the crops .. eg Roundup ready GM soya beans. ![]()
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