Wednesday 13 May 2015

 Oxford Mail 2014
The Labour Party are trying to have their political cake and eat it.
On the one hand they have caused a huge crisis in our energy sector by their climate legislation of 2008.
 Now they are trying to salvage their reputation by offering an energy price freeze.
A price freeze will exacerbate the looming  power crisis by lowering investor confidence.
Ed Miliband`s  naive desire to play climate saviour has left us with dangerous power shortages.
Therefore more investment capital is needed to replace the power infrastructure that Labour has recklessly decommissioned.
 Labour`s price freeze policy  has already resulted in billions of capital being withdrawn.
We  urgently need this money to build new infrastructure.
Labour  shut down fully functioning power stations and made no provision to replace any of them.
The Coalition is  busy sorting out the mess and we should back them to the hilt even if it means accepting shale gas.
If not then power will be rationed and a 3 day week will cripple our economic recovery.
The Coalition have ditched unfair green levies that poor consumers paid to rich landowners for wind turbines thanks to Labour policy.
I wrote to the Coalition about this unfair tax in our electricity bills and they actually  listened and acted.
 The Coalition have ensured that low income households are still eligible for an energy price discount and have free home  insulation.



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