Wednesday 13 May 2015

oxford mail Look at the real causes of changinig climate


to haguew

Look at the real causes of changing climate

11:00am Tuesday 4th February 2014 in Letters
Oxford Mail: Climate change indicators are highlighted Climate change indicators are highlighted
WE should be thankful for the very small amount – 0.3 per cent – of harmless carbon dioxide in the troposphere that has allowed life on earth to flourish.
Nasa satellite data has shown that carbon dioxide levels are not increasing in the troposphere in the way that alarmists have predicted.
Furthermore, most of carbon dioxide emitted is removed via the carbon cycle and ends up in rocks such as the white chalky cliffs of Dover.
Politicians are milking man-made or ‘anthropogenic’ climate change for all it’s worth. It provides a comfort blanket for any error regarding flood management.Lord Smith certainly used it to the hilt.
The main drivers of climate are the following:
  • Orbital variations and tilts in earth’s axis away from the sun known as the Milankovitch Cycles. These periodically bring on lengthy ice ages.
  • The Coriolis Effect of rotation which contributes to vigorous wind patterns that result in typhoons, etc.
  • Solar radiation and solar sunspot cycles.
Regarding the sun, solar physicists and Nasa believe that earth is heading for a mini ice age as our sun is becoming less active.
This quiescence occurred during the last Solar Maunder Minimum in 1645 and resulted in frost fairs on the Thames for 70 years.
Prof Michael Lockwood states that the position of the jet stream is affected by solar input, not carbon dioxide emissions.
The cold winters of 2009/2010 occurred as measured low solar activity altered the position of the jet stream. The jet stream can bring in freezing Siberian winds and blocking high conditions when it is stuck.
Yes, we should focus on reducing dirty hydrocarbons from traffic for our health’s sake, but it is foolish to believe we can control our weather.
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