Wednesday 13 May 2015

Oxford Mail 2013
The Labour  Party `s decarbonisation  Energy Bill was narrowly passed by the House Of Lords. last week.
What does this decarbonisation Bill mean for the consumer??
Basically it means another rise of around £125 in energy bills year on year to pay for wind farms etc
This legislation to cut  coal power carbon emissions is  very bad news for the consumer.
Indeed the carbon dioxide coming form power stations is harmless to health as it contains no particulates.
In contrast "low carbon" wood burner stoves etc are full of deadly particulate matter proven to cause cancer and heart disease.
So we now will pay more for our bills which shows just how much Ed Miliband really cares for his voters.
His  energy price freeze idea is all smoke and mirrors.
The market responded to his silly idea by instantly putting up prices of energy by 10%.
Indeed Ed Miliband`s own  small business energy supplier said it would be forced out of business by the ridiculous unworkable scheme.

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