Tuesday 26 May 2015

Green lung from forests really can reduce CO2

Green lung from forests really can reduce CO2
Green lung from forests really can reduce CO2
First published in Oxford Mail
I was encouraged to read that forests and trees are actually increasing in our precious green Albion.
This is partly due to generous tax breaks to plant trees. Well done to the politician who thought of this ingenious idea.
So much new forest is being planted that some areas could even reach the 15 per cent of woodland recorded in England by the Doomsday Book in 1086.
Also tree cover is increasing worldwide and this is helping to absorb carbon dioxide. Conversely, the increase in carbon dioxide levels is also helping trees to flourish.
Ice core researchers noted a dramatic dip in carbon dioxide levels in 1610 when temperatures also dipped. That year marked an increase in tree cover due to farmland decreasing.
The forests regrew as a result of 50 million farmers dying from smallpox.
The farmland reverted to forest.
Thus we have a clear link between tree cover and carbon dioxide levels decreasing.
Therefore, we should concentrate on planting as many trees as possible to improve air quality and to fulfil our CO2 obligations.
Magdalen Road
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