Wednesday 13 May 2015

Wriiten during floods of early 2014
The Met Office has stated that one of the reasons for our ferociously wet weather caused by powerful jet streams  has been the phase of winds known as the Quasi Biennial Oscillation or the QBO.
This  QBO wind pattern is caused by winds that encircle the lower stratosphere.
The QBO is not determined by carbon dioxide but by the coriolis effect of Earth`s rotation.
The  QBO winds either blow predominantly from  East or West and periodically reverse.
We have just  been subjected to the QBO  Westerly direction bringing copious amounts of wet weather to our shores.
Since this  wind pattern  changes direction  every so often the Met can truthfully describe this event in a simple way to the Newscasters as one of  climate change.
That way every one is kept happy.

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