Wednesday 13 May 2015

once upon a time Oxford City Council used to spray the city pavements and verges liberally with Roundup weedkiller.
I am not sure if this still takes place as I last saw the  weedkiller operative years ago.
 I asked him politely not to spray my front garden with the glyphosate weedkiller.
This week the World Health Organisation noted that  Roundup glyphosate is a human carcinogen.
This deadly weedkiller damages DNA and causes chromosomal damage.
It is linked to non-hodgkins lymphoma as well as to miscarriages.
Roundup weedkillers are also used to spray genetically modified crops that have been engineered to tolerate high dosages.
This is to ensure vast profits for Monsanto.
Monsanto  makes  the Roundup and the GM crops that are sprayed with it.
I am glad that Oxford does not appear to be using this deadly weedkiller in the streets of East Oxford.
It is harmful to humans as well as  to pets.

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